A builder's journey
« Monsieur AJROUDI, a Human Bridge Architect »
Inventor, developer of ideas or renowned industrialist, many are the caps of Mohamed Ayachi AJROUDI . This Franco-Tunisian invests enormously in renewable energies.
But what makes the difference considerably with Mr. AJROUDI and other influential men is his taste for technological developments and his know-how to considerably improve our daily life and that of workers. A look back at his very extensive career as a talented inventor and engineer. Inventor
Hydraulic engineer, Mohamed Ayachi AJROUDI, graduate of the Polytech faculty of Lille, has discreet success. But yet, from an early age and his arrival on French territory, he shines through works that will revolutionize the industrial world. In 1977, he joined the ISEE OFFSHORE company , located in Pas-de-Calais, which specializes in petroleum and maritime works. In the early 1980s, he wanted to start his first business. It nevertheless lacks 5,000 Francs to constitute the 20,000 Francs of the minimum capital required, but the banks are not lenders. The parents of a friend, a young budding engineer too, advance the sum allowing him to open his first company AMIS (Artois Maintenance Industries Services). Born from an observation at sea, during his training with the Maritime Navy, he had the idea of inventing a flexible attachment making it possible to avoid pipeline breaks that are too frequent during the assembly of offshore oil platforms. No one had thought of it until then. » You have to know the sea, understand its suffering, understand what a barge is » he says.
The mayor of a village in Pas-de-Calais provides disused and unheated premises free of charge, in the hope of promoting the employment of the inhabitants. With 7 other engineering friends, Mohamed Ayachi AJROUDI patiently develops his prototype and files a patent. He then prospected a subsidiary of the French oil company ETPM (Entreprise Travaux Pétrolier maritime) newly called ELF AQUITAINE, specializing in offshore platforms and drilling, which orders ten copies. The bank accepts a line of credit of 8 million Francs, the equivalent of 1.2 million euros. This allows him to go to Port-Gentil, Gabon and Malaysia to supervise the installation of the fasteners himself. Always with the same idea of looking for the problem or flaw in a technical process, while improving the tool and reducing the time and pain of the user, he invented a pressure system based on the principle of funnel to shorten drilling times at sea. A drilling process inspired by that used for the Channel Tunnel or the construction of metro tunnels.
In May 1986, he developed, on behalf of PERFOREX, a tunnel boring machine for Calabria, a TGV site. This is at the origin, in particular, of the metro of Lille, Caracas in Venezuela or even on the railway site of Consenza, in the south of Italy. Following his work with AMIS , Mohamed Ayachi AJROUDI sets up his second company PORTUBE which bears the same name as his famous invention. Portube II is an underground irrigation system, which has enjoyed worldwide success and has received numerous awards in France, in particular by the national recovery agency LANVAR. Instead of watering lawns and plants with a jet of water, they are watered by capillarity in the soil. A real gain in water consumption for countries where this resource is more and more limited. Building on this success, the doors of the Saudi market opened, allowing him to settle with his family in this country. Mr. AJROUDI then becomes the specialist in trade and industrial investments in the Saudi kingdom. As a good entrepreneur as he is, he is negotiating a contract worth over $ 15 billion for the distribution of water and sanitation in the Mecca region.
He also designs SPORTVERT, a machine that sets up a football stadium in one week instead of six, taking care of all the logistical aspect: drainage, irrigation, seed. This creation will be honored with the LANVAR prize, rewarding the young creators of tomorrow.
For his research against desertification in Africa, Mr. AJROUDI is carrying out a major study of the partial diversion of the Zaire river for the construction of a canal between the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea. In the Middle East, he also participated in several projects for the development of agriculture in Saudi Arabia and received an honorary doctorate from the Suez Canal University . Perfectly lucid in relation to the difficulties that cross his native land, Tunisia, as well as Africa, in recent years he is getting closer to his roots in order to find the best solutions. Since its beginnings, Mohamed Ayachi AJROUDI has always been enormously involved in favor of renewable energies. » There are almost two billion people who have no more water or electricity and we will soon be 9 billion. It’s a huge market! « . Considering the high water needs, the only solution seems to be the desalination of sea water. But that would spend a lot of energy based on garbage and solar. When solar, a system of solar panels associated with a boiler operating turbines could one day solve the thorny problem of energy storage. He is currently working on new innovations to fight environmental problems.