Mr AJROUDI visited Tunisia on April 1, 2007, accompanied by: Mr Lamine MEHERZI, Consul General of Tunisia in Nice and Monaco. And a CNIM delegation, made up of Mr CANELLAS (Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board) and Mr DMITRIEFF (Shareholder and Member of the Supervisory Board).
They spoke with:
Mr Mohamed Habib HADDAD, Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources and his officials, Mr Mohamed Ali KHOUAJA, Chairman and CEO of the National Water Distribution Company, Mr Mohamed ZAARA, Head of Desalination,
Mr Ali JEBALI, Head of the Minister’s Cabinet
Mr GHELISE, Director General of the Balanced Hydraulic Planning Office.
Visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they were received by Mr Hatem Ben SALEM, Secretary of State to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in charge of European Affairs. He encouraged Mr AJROUDI to invest in Tunisia.
A meeting was also held with:
Mr Nadhir HAMADA, Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, in the presence of his managers: Mr Mounir FERCHICHI Director General of the National Agency for Waste Management,
The CEO of ONAS (National Sanitation Organization),
Mr Hassouna ABDELMALEK, Director General of the Agency for the Protection and Planning of the Environment.